quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2008

In Memoriam

Michael Crichton
1942 - 2008

Best-selling author Michael Crichton died unexpectedly in Los Angeles Tuesday, November 4, 2008 He was born in Chicago in October 1942 and graduated from Harvard University 22 years later, before attending Harvard Medical School.

His first book, The Andromeda Strain, was published in 1969 while he was attending medical school. Crichton was most famously known for his book Jurassic Park, which was turned into a film in 1993 directed by Steven Spielberg. The film was at the time the most successful of all time and is currently the 11th-highest-grossing feature film. Crichton also wrote the sequel to Jurassic Park, The Lost World, which was also turned into a film.

He was the author of numerous blockbusters, some of which sold more than 100 million copies, and which were translated in 30 languages worldwide. Through his books, Michael Crichton served as an inspiration to students of all ages, challenged scientists in many fields, and illuminated the mysteries of the world in a way we could all understand. He will be profoundly missed by those whose lives he touched, but he leaves behind the greatest gifts of a thirst for knowledge, the desire to understand, and the wisdom to use our minds to better our world.

Um escritor que "me agarrou" desde que li "Five Patients" em 1996. Muitos mais devorei desde aí: Congo, Sphere, Rising Sun, Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Airframe, Timeline, Prey, e, por último o State of Fear (ainda tenho o Next por ler...) sendo que a maioria deles encontram-se, ainda hoje, entre os meus livros preferidos.
May he Rest In Peace...

1 Sementes:

Patrícia 4:06 da tarde  

Ó amiga, agora apanhaste-me completamente desprevenida! Estive nos Açores 3 dias e cheguei ontem, e como tal estive completamente a leste de toda e qualquer notícia.
Estou chocada.


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